Commanchee MG Housing

PA 24 MG Upper Trunnion Housing – RH

PN#20752-013 w/8130

78738-002 Actuator Aircraft Axle Beech Beechcraft Bellcrank Bracket Bracket Assy. Bulkhead C-150 C-172 C-177 C-177RG C-182 C-206 C-210 C-337 Cessna Cessna C-177RG Fitting Fork Gear Housing Link MG Lower Strut NG NG Fork & Piston Nose Nose Gear PA 23 PA 23-250 PA 28R PA 31 PA 31-350 PA 32 PA 32R PA 42 PA 44 Piper T1020 Torque Torque Knee Torque Link Trunnion

PA 28R/32R Strut Assy. – Nose Gear Lower

PN#67050-002 Alt. PN#67050-802

*The parts displayed on this Website are USED PARTS unless otherwise stated. Some parts will show tagging/paperwork in the pictures, but any required paperwork must be discussed when placing order. Generally tagging can be done for additional charge.

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PA 32 Style MG Upper Cylinder Assy.

PN#65490-000 – Part currently Available

*The parts displayed on this Website are USED PARTS unless otherwise stated. Some parts will show paint or paperwork in the pictures, but any required paint or paperwork must be discussed when placing order. Generally paint and/or tagging (8130) can be provided for additional charge.

PA 28R MG Upper Trunnion Assy. – LH


Earliest Style used on Early PA 28R MG LH

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